Ella Brewer

New Zealand, Uri Taniwha

profile ella brewer.jpg

While teaching Art at Tikipunga High School in her home town of Whangarei, Ella began studying Buddhist philosophy. She then traveled to India to attend teachings from the Dalai Lama. She settled in the Lake District, UK in order to take up a classical thangka painting apprenticeship offered by Andy Weber, and is now a lineage holder of this tradition. More recently Ella has developed mindfulness practices for secondary schools and teaches Art at Epsom Girls Grammar School.

It is her wish to support the emerging arts/wellbeing sector. Her collaborative work with Tiffany Singh is the starting point for this venture. In 2020 Ella and Tiffany created the artwork for Inner World, The Dalai Lama's debut album. A body of work to serve humanity in everyday life - containing mantras that act like medicine, able to heal our minds and hearts.


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David Downes


Amardeep Shergill